Seeds of Insight 56: January at MiST - This Life is Sacred
Meet in Silent Truth
Dear Ones,
In this newsletter you will find:
A new year reminder that YOU and YOUR LIFE are already sacred as they are
Invite a friend to join the monthly pack and receive 50% off for both
Refer a friend for a 1:1 therapy session & receive one for free
10% off Early Bird spots for the Spring Equinox Retreat in Portugal are open until Jan 20. Join us for a beautiful journey of yoga, self-inquiry, music, medicine and return to your nature.
Happy New 2022
I won’t wish you anything, because I know in my heart that we live what we have been given to live. And whatever that is - good or bad, opening or closing, graceful or disgraceful, flowing or resisting the flow, surrendered or in control, happy or sad - it is perfect and sacred as it is.
The New Year is a new beginning as much as every day is a new day. But I do cherish this arbitrary milestone - it’s a reminder to honour the precious mystery called existence, life, consciousness or whatever you want to call it.
Picture from the top of the Monchique Mountain at sunrise
It’s a mystery that we are here. We are often consumed by daily life, we merge with to-do lists, we get absorbed in new intentions, we project ourselves in hopes for the future or lose ourselves in regrets over the past…So what a perfect moment to stop all of this for a day or two and celebrate this life - your life - that is sacred.
Because it is sacred, just as it is. With no wishes and hopes for the future.
For “us” to even appear in its physical form, thousands of generations have come before us, survived wars, famine and genocides, reached a reproductive age and gave an offspring to give birth to us. Species evolved over millions of years, from a cell to an intelligent ape. Hydrogen evolved into heavier elements in the core of stars and condensed into our planet of which we are a piece. We are the living, walking, breathing history of the whole universe.
This life is sacred. In this human form, we have been gifted with the woundings of your ancestors and the woundings of this lifetime. Pain and helplessness teach us humility and surrender and reveal the natural compassion for the whole of humanity in the midst of the darkest hour. We are our own medicine and the medicine of those who came before us.
This life is sacred. As human beings, we are the only life form (that we know of) that consciously recognises that it is going to die - all forms die. And that inevitability teaches us not to postpone, not to wait, not to save for an imaginary future, not to dwell in a dead past. It reminds us to just be, for everything else will be lost.
This life is sacred. In this human form, we have been gifted with a self-reflective consciousness, able to illuminate itself and wonder about its source. We are the ones willing to stop ignoring the Truth that lives us. We are the path, and truth and life itself. We are sacred.
Happy New Sacred Year to a Sacred You.
January at MiST - Support a friend & Receive a gift
Monthly Pack
Join all online yoga classes and sharing circles for £40. Bring a friend to join the monthly pack and enjoy a 50% discount for both.
Weekly Schedule
Sun: MindRest - every Sunday at 5pm UK: 1h30 of yoga, inquiry and yoga nidra for the body, mind and soul. In January, we will be exploring “Emptiness is full”. Contribution: £12 or included in the Monthly pack.
Tue: Soulful Flow - every Tuesday, 6pm UK: 1h of soulful vinyasa to stretch the body after work. Contribution £7 or included in the Monthly pack
Wed: Space of Grace - sharing mixed men & women circle every second Wednesday at 8pm UK; suggested donations: £0 -10 or included in the Monthly pack.
Spring Equinox Retreat: Let the Heart Lead - 10% Early Bird until Jan 20
The Yoga of Fulfilment, Mar 20 - 27th, Monchique, Portugal
10% Early Bird is open now and until Jan 20
Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life?
Do you want to find clarity about what that would look like in practice?
Do you want to ignite the fire to step out of your comfort zone?
This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. Your life is sacred. Nourish yourself after the long winter, reconnect with you body & soul, immerse yourself in a journey that helps you discover what your life is about, deeper than merely surviving. Join us for a much-more-than-yoga retreat in the most magical setting.
Struggling to sleep? Resting Place on Insight Timer
Join me every Monday at 8pm UK for a free (optional donations-based) yoga nidra on the Insight Timer app. Yoga Nidra is the simplest, yet most profound practice of yoga - it is a practice of total rest and a form of conscious sleep with profound benefits for your nervous system. It increases your ability to unwind and fall sleep, supports you through stressful times, increases clarity, creativity and self-awareness. I would love to meet you there.
1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth
Refer a friend in January a receive a session for free!
These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic skills, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this truthful open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.
Upcoming Events
With Love and Gratitude,