Meet in Silent Truth

Embodiment practices & therapeutic support for your grounding, healing and self-discovery.


1:1 MiST Sessions

Tend to old wounds & discover the True You : therapeutic support + guided self-discovery

MiST Events

Slow down & meet the community : soulful yoga beyond asana, online and in-person

MiST Retreats

Make space in yourself for your Self : much-more-than-yoga retreats for the mind, body and soul


You are the Medicine you’ve been looking for. I help you receive yourself.

So many of us feel disconnected from who we essentially are. This manifests as anxiety, depression, feeling empty, needy, lost. But it also manifests as overworking, overachieving, running after the next goal or relationship. In other words, we are hopelessly searching for something or someone “out there” to fill the emptiness that we would have to feel “in here”. Our society either encourages this dance of disconnection and self-abandonment or tries to fix its unwanted symptoms.

A Meeting in Silent Truth (MiST) is a simple, but radical invitation to go at the root. Here, you are welcome just as you are - unembellished, “broken”, natural. Yet, this “self-meeting” is not easy - it asks you to stop abandoning yourself in the pursuit of something “out there”to fulfil you. It asks you to tend to your wounds at the root and receive your own medicine.

Then you may discover that this emptiness is sacred - it’s calling you Home. No new strategies will be given here. Instead, I offer to lovingly support you in answering the call. 

Come in…

Here, you will find compassionate support to

  • Tend to your body, cultivate discipline and witnessing capacity of the mind

  • Heal old wounds, meet anxiety and transform trauma at the root

  • Discover what you really want, who you essentially are and let that lead your life.

New to this? Reach out to learn how I can support you.


Picture by Charly Photography @charlys_imagery

Hi, my name is Iri

I’m a hypnotherapist, enneagram practitioner, mindfulness and yoga teacher. I work holistically, tending to all aspects of You.

This work changed my life profoundly

from recurrent depression, hopeless relationship drama and a feeling of disconnection from my essence to more joy, peace and love that needs no “other”. To meet myself fully and more truthfully was the gift of a lifetime. I pass it on to you from my Teachers to whom I owe everything.

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What people say

These sessions are like coming home to yourself. Iri holds space for you in such a nurturing, tender and motherly way. ALL of you is welcome. The progress I’ve made in my healing journey since I met her is unbelievable.
— Aggi, 1:1 session client and regular MindRester
A year ago at MindRest, I felt buried underground and had barely any energy to survive. Now I know I was merely planted and your guidance helped me come out of the shell of my seed. I’m above surface, preparing to blossom.
— Sonia, a regular MindRester
This retreat was one of the most magical experiences of my life. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of reconnecting with themselves, their body and their spirit. HIGHLY transformative.
— Jen W, Oct 2021 Retreat participant

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