Let Your Heart Lead
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for all your sweet messages after my last newsletter. It’s so touching to receive all this support from near and far. I slowly start to feel like myself again, although of course, I also feel irreversibly changed by the events.
While in recovery, I finally created a long-overdue website and instagram for a project that I have been organically doing for sometime. In this newsletter, I would like to introduce it. Please welcome this little baby Let Your Heart Lead.
Let Your Heart Lead
The Backstory: doing what I love
In my late 20s and early 30s, I lived in London and had a “serious job” in finance. I was affluent and successful by societal standards, very “senior” for my age, but my heart felt empty and out of place. I had an unnamable search for something other than material survival.
At the peak of my career (and the through of my soul), I took the leap to change my life. I’m not gonna lie - this so-called “leap” happened at once but I was flying through the ether for quite some time before I found a steady ground. It took me almost a decade of trial and error to transition and find fulfilment on a deeper level.
Today, I mainly work as a hypnotherapist, I facilitate 1:1 medicine journeys and I teach yoga in beautiful Aljezur, South Portugal. Though I’m far from rich, it sustains me for my basic needs. I love its ever-evolving nature. In fact, I learnt to love the possibility to always evolve and reinvent myself, nurture new talents and not have a clue what the next page of the book of my life will bring. The price I paid (and still do) was instability and uncertainty, but it was so well worth it. Today, living my purpose looks more like a river and a process and less like a fixed destination. And this feels so freeing and alive.
Of course, it’s not always comfortable, but nothing good ever came out of the comfort zone. If you are feeling stuck and passion-less, maybe I’m here to gently kick you out of yours. Maybe I’m here to tell you there is sacred work out there that is yours to accomplish, with passion and joy. Maybe it doesn’t fit any of the ideas you had of who you would be, but that’s why we call them ideas - they are not real. Maybe I’m here to remind you that the work that is yours to do will fill your cup, it won’t leave you exhausted and destitute.
The greatest lesson I learnt during this transition…
is that we are only ever fulfilled in what we do when there is no separation between our natural expression of the heart and our work.
When our soul’s desire for this life IS the essence of our work.
When the talents that are God-given to us are unfolding effortlessly in our service, without us taking credit for them and without us disowning them either.
When the inner and outer work become one and we share from lived experience, rather than from concepts we learnt from others.
When the work we do is not only nourishing others, but also nourishing us. Deeply.
When it feels inevitable. When we simply can’t help it.
This is the work of the heart - the inner purpose - and it burns like a beautiful fire that inspires others. It is my great joy to help you uncover it and live it.
Introducing Let Your Heart Lead
Let Your Heart Lead is a platform, through which I guide helping professionals and organizations to formulate a clear and powerful offering, create a beautiful website that represents their soul, share and, importantly, sell their services with confidence and joy. I’ve been doing it for a while, so it was about time I put it out there.
It’s obviously not a typical web-design service - it starts and fully rests on helping you discover your life’s purpose - your dharma, what you came to embody in this lifetime. This is your inner flame, which infuses your work with clarity, fuels your message with power and dispels all the obstacles and self-doubts that stand in the way. For me, it is the most important component.
From there, we build your business and website, but that’s just the cherry on top of the cake.
If this work resonates, I would love to support you. I know, it is slightly different from what I normally do, but also not. Different clothes, same essence. I love this work and I do it with clarity, no bullshit, great structure and also loads of laughter and love.
Please check out the website www.letyourheartlead.org and follow me on instagram on this new little endeavor.
Thank you!
You can still join us in October!
A Journey Within: Autumn Yoga, Voice Work and Self-discovery Retreat in Portugal
It is with great joy that we invite you to this Autumn journey within: an possibility to tend to your body, find your true voice and reconnect with your essential nature through soulful yoga, Vedic studies, ancient sound technology and psychotherapeutic tools. Held at the heart of the old Algarve capital Silves, a place of pilgrimage and mysticism for many ancient cultures, this retreat is a carefully designed journey through the 5 Elements back to your Heart.
“I would return in a heartbeat.”