February at MiST: Pregnant with Life
Meet in Silent Truth
Dear Ones,
In this newsletter you will find:
A reflection on the month of February in Nature and what it means for our bodies & psyches
A February self-reflection question
A lush self-care events calendar + an invitation to join our Monthly pack
Our March yoga & self-discovery retreat
February: Pregnant With Life
Photo by Goran Vučićević
In last month’s newsletter, I spoke about the quiet quality, winter hibernation and natural emptiness of January. I invited you to explore this same empty quality within you. One beautiful and direct way to taste it is to contemplate what was there before you were even conceived.
You may notice that as you receive this question, there is a moment of emptiness. For a split second, the mind can’t catch any objective answer. This is January in Nature - the empty liminal space before creation.
The month of February marks the first signs of life’s conception. Nature’s pregnant belly starts to grow slowly, but surely. On Feb 1, The Gaellic tradition celebrates Imbolc as the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. In the old tradition, this is the beginning of Spring. It is perhaps no coincidence that we celebrate romantic love on Feb 14, allegedly related to “lovebirds” songs in early Spring.
Since we are an inextricable part of Nature, the same process begins within our body and psyche. We may experience renewed energy and creativity, a sense that “something’s cooking”, some quiet excitement, a “je ne sais quoi”...
As always, we can resist it and return to hibernation. We can get “high” on this energy and fantasise excessively in our minds about what next. We can overdo it and “give birth” too quickly by jumping into rushed action…Or we can tune in and allow it to grow within us at its own pace. The month of February at MindRest is all about the latter.
Through all our February events, we will explore how we can hold this sense of excitement, uncertainty, sweet anticipation and utter unpredictability of this new chapter as we become “pregnant with life” again. If you feel called to practice regularly a-bit-more-than-yoga-asana and meet with our sweet community, there are various options to join us below - for yogis and not-so-yogis.
I look forward to meeting you.
February self-reflection
How do you avoid uncertainty? Does it really work? What is possible if you stopped?
Ask yourself these questions repeatedly one after another and allow the answers to flow naturally. Let me know what you discover and whether something surprises you.
February events
Monthly Pack
Join all online yoga classes and sharing circles for £40. Bring a friend to join the monthly pack and enjoy a 50% discount for both.
Weekly Schedule
Sun: MindRest - every Sunday at 5pm UK: 1h30 of yoga, inquiry and yoga nidra for the body, mind and soul. In February, we will explore holding both the excitement of new possibilities & the fear of the unknown. . Contribution: £12 or included in the Monthly pack.
Mon: Resting Place - every second Monday on Insight Timer, free yoga nidra for those who are struggling to sleep, need relaxation support or simply love this profound and clarifying practice.
Tue: Soulful Flow - every Tuesday, 6pm UK: 1h of soulful vinyasa to stretch the body after work. Contribution £7 or included in the Monthly pack
Wed: Space of Grace - share how you are doing and inquire into various facets of our experience with our sweet community. Every 2nd Wednesday at 8pm UK. Optional donations: £0-£10
Spring Equinox Retreat: Let the Heart Lead - 10% Early Bird until Feb 1
The Yoga of Fulfilment, Mar 20 - 27th, Monchique, Portugal
10% Early Bird is extended until Feb 1.
Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life?
Do you want to find clarity about what that would look like in practice?
Do you want to ignite the fire to step out of your comfort zone?
This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. Your life is sacred. Nourish yourself after the long winter, reconnect with you body & soul, immerse yourself in a journey that helps you discover what your life is about, deeper than merely surviving. Join us for a much-more-than-yoga retreat in the most magical setting.
1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth
These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic skills, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this truthful open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.
Upcoming Events
With Love and Gratitude,