Seeds of Insight 002 - The Diamond in your Pocket
Dear You,
Happy and Blissful Easter! Today’s story illustrates the nearness of the most precious gift we have been given - our true essence.This particular version of the story is from Gangaji’s book “The Diamond in your Pocket: Discovering your True Radiance”.
"There is a story my teacher liked to tell about a consummate diamond thief who sought to steal only the most exquisite of gems. This thief would hang around the diamond district to see who was purchasing a gem, so that later he could pick their pocket.
One day he saw a well-known diamond merchant purchase the jewel he had been waiting for all his life. It was the most beautiful, the most pristine, the purest of diamonds. He was very excited, and so he followed the diamond merchant as he boarded the train, getting into the same compartment. He spent an entire three-day journey trying to pick the merchant's pocket and obtain the diamond. When the end of the journey came and he hadn't found the gem, he was very frustrated. He was an accomplished thief, and although he had employed all his skills, he still was not able to steal this rare and precious jewel.
When the diamond merchant got off the train, the pickpocket followed him once again. Finally, he just couldn't stand it any more, and he walked up to the merchant and said, 'Sir, I am a renowned diamond thief. I saw you purchase that beautiful diamond, so I followed you onto the train. Though I used all the skills of my art, which have been perfected over many years, I was not able to find the gem. I must know your secret. Tell me, please, how did you hide it from me?'
The diamond merchant replied, 'Well, I saw you watching me in the diamond district, and I suspected you were a pickpocket. So I hid the diamond where I thought you would be least likely to look for it — in your own pocket!' He then reached into the thief's pocket and pulled out the diamond."
And so we spend much of our lives looking for fulfilment outside of ourselves, overlooking the diamond in our own hearts. Lars Faber, founder of the Sacred Voyage, a beautiful man and wise teacher, first sent this story to me 3 years ago. A year later, when I met beloved Gangaji, I had goosebumps to discover that this was also the title of her book. Life weaves it all through for us in mysterious ways, planting seeds that blossom in colours we could never expect.
With love,
Seeds of Insight is a weekly Sunday newsletter with no news. It’s your dose of wisemen’s words, of short stories for the soul, of moments to stop in this marathon we call life. To receive them by email, sign up here.
Photo by Olya.Photography