Seeds of Insight 036 - New Beginnings: Let Your Mind Rest
“When Truth is being searched for, it is the intensity of the longing for Truth that does all the work.
Dear Ones,
There is a silent longing in our hearts that can never be satisfied with worldly achievements, nor can it be appeased by new possessions. We have been conditioned to suppress it, manage it, medicate it or at best, try to fill the hole with jobs, relationships and self-improvement efforts.
But there comes a point in a lifetime, where all these strategies fail to deliver lasting fulfilment - a point of quiet and tender disillusionment. Can you relate to these words?
I warmly welcome you here. This is a loving invitation to let go of all strategies and allow your mind to rest. In this quiet rest, you may discover that the longing is sacred - it is your Heart calling you home. No new strategies will be given here. Instead, I offer to lovingly support you in answering the call.
Come in.
This is a long overdue newsletter to introduce a new name and a new chapter of this unfolding. After two beautiful years as The Seed., in which I learnt so much about the ups and downs of a solo project, time has come to say goodbye to it with gratitude and love.
My beloved Moojibaba says that one has to die as a seed to be born as a tree. Though he means something very different and much deeper, this does feel like a small death and a new birth. I am honoured to stand by this new name and slightly bigger, but also much simpler offering.
The tree is called MindRest. As the same suggests so aptly, it is about letting your mind rest, so that you can listen in; so that you can hear the deep wisdom and longing of your Heart.
MindRest has already existed for some time and has had a life of its own as a beautiful Sunday gathering of sweet people drawn to a soulful practice without too much spiritual language. I resisted the name for a while as I felt it didn’t convey enough of “my Truth”. But I came to realise that maybe this time, it really isn’t about “me”, “my Truth”, “my preferences” and “my intentions”. I was so humbled to discover that You, the community who has been supporting it for so long, loved the name and so we remain as MindRest. Thank you for that - I needed it.
In addition to movement and mindfulness, I am now so happy to start offering True Friend Therapy, which is a form of deep and beautiful non-directive hypnotherapy, combining the gift of Silence & the Enneagram of Egoic fixation. And though the offering is branching out, it is really getting simpler. It may take different outward shapes (sometimes we move, sometimes we sit still, sometimes we inquire), it is always about this Silent Presence at the core of our being, filled with joy and true fulfilment.
May it never become about “me”. May I never show up as “me” in it. And with that prayer, I welcome you to this new offering and website. All feedback is much appreciated and wanted. Any ideas about what you want to see more of are welcome too.
So what’s new?
1:1 True Friend Support
True Friend Therapy is a form of non-directive advanced hypnotherapy, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram of Egoic Fixation, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.
Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.
It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you
Upcoming Events
And the good old stuff is still here
Weekly Soulful Flow yoga sessions continue every Wednesday on Zoom. Start the day with 55 minutes of energising vinyasa, silly jokes and half-asleep friends. Book here - it is cheap and chirpy and all levels are welcome.
Mindfulness sessions in a therapeutic 1:1 setting to support you in navigating these difficult times and find steadiness amidst turmoil. Learn more.
With Love and Gratitude,
Seeds of Insight is a newsletter of dubious frequency with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.