Seeds of Insight 042 - Can you bear the Truth?
“If you want the Truth, I’ll tell you the Truth:
Listen to the sacred sound, the real sound, which is inside you.”
Can you bear the truth? True Friend Sessions are the part of this offering that I care most deeply about. It is so touching to say this “out loud” - it really feels like I’m here, on Earth, only for this. Not in some inflated way, but it just feels right.
I have been teaching yoga and mindfulness for a while and love these practices. But my Heart is not here to practice. It is not here to postpone. It is not here to master this and perfect that.
My Heart is here for Truth, for immediacy, for this natural unfolding of life. And Truth cannot be found in practices, however beautiful they may be. They can only take us so far. Truth is past any practice and prior to all practices too. Truth requires nothing and yet, it takes everything.
It is hard to describe what a True Friend session is, but it is about Truth. It is honest, loving and healing. It’s a form of therapy one might say, but that would really limit it and make it too complicated at the same time. Yes, it uses therapeutic tools & ancient teachings - clinical hypnotherapy, NLP, the wisdom of the Enneagram, mindfulness, somatic experiencing…But at the end of the day, neither of these things has any magical answer to your problems.
A True Friend is not giving you a 3-step solution to fix this or that in your body and mind. It doesn’t claim to heal all your trauma, it doesn’t balance all your hormones, it doesn’t channel some otherworldly being, it’s not an energetic healing. In fact, it doesn’t claim to give you anything that you don’t have within yourself.
And that can be a hard pill to swallow. We all hope that someone out there will give us the answer to our pain…But the truth is, no one “out there” has it! As therapists or practitioners, we are so tempted to offer solutions, give advice or a pleasant experience, appear competent...but really, we know nothing.
In fact, whenever we think that we know the answer and we have something to give, it is too late - we have moved at least one step away from Truth. In giving advice, we rob people of the opportunity to discover it for themselves, which is the only way to integrate anything. In giving experiences, we rob people of the opportunity to be sober, to let go of the search for the next experiential “hit”. In giving anything, we deceive ourselves into being a someone.
A True Friend session skilfully invites you to stop looking for solutions “out there” and turn your gaze inward. It’s an open silent mirror, in which you can see yourself clearly . You can see the stories that you tell yourself about who you think you are and how that creates suffering.
And you can also see your Essence - who you really are, deeper than any story.
Then can you bear the Truth, Love and Wisdom that you are?
If you feel the call, reach out, send me a message, book a free introduction. There are also concessions if you feel financially stained. I will meet you regardless of circumstances.
I’m only here for this and oh how beautiful it feels to stand up for this Heart.
“These sessions are like coming home to yourself. Iri holds space for you in such a nurturing, tender and motherly way. ALL of you is welcome. The progress I’ve made with my personal development & my healing journey since I met her is unbelievable. As you surrender to what you considered ‘negative’, you find on the other side your true essence - love. ”
With Love and Gratitude,
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